Data Source
- Song Info - CAPCOM:crossbeats REV. SUNRISE公式サイト
- Sheet Info - crossbeats REV.Wiki - Much thanks to all the players contributing the sheet data!
Project Source Code
- zetaraku/arcade-songs - This project is licensed under the MIT License, and you can find the complete source code here. If you're interested, you can join us to improve the project too! ⭐ :)
- zetaraku/arcade-songs-fetch - arcade-songs-fetch is the data-fetching scripts used by arcade-songs, also licensed in MIT. ⭐
Update Record
2025/01/04 - v3.23.1 Update
- ui: (Summary View) hide tooltip and reduce axis pointer animation on mobile
- bugfix: (Summary View) fix dialog flashing problem when viewing sheets
2025/01/03 - v3.23 Update
- feature: (Summary View) allow clicking on chart to view sheets in the bar
- misc: (Sheet Drawer) add "View Mode" for viewing sheets
2024/12/29 - v3.22 Update
- feature: (Summary View) add Summary View
- ui: (Sheet Drawer) fix width calculation logic in Sheet Combo Drawer
- misc: (Site) track more interaction event for development insight >:)
2024/11/11 - v3.21 Update
- feature: (Filter) display regional info instead if "Use Regional Info Override" is enabled
2024/09/04 - v3.20 Update
- feature: (Filter) add "Sync Level" and "Sync BPM" filter options
- ui: (Filter) fix filter option button overflow problem
- ui: (Site) adjust page padding on small devices
2024/09/02 - v3.19 Update
- feature: (Filter) add "Use Regional Info Override" option on "Region" filter
2024/08/19 - v3.18 Update
- feature: (Filter) add "Super Filter" 💪✨
- Now everyone should learn JavaScript 😉
2024/07/22 - v3.17 Update
- feature: (My List) add "Pick one from filter" button
- feature: (???) a new light switch is installed, but where is it?
2024/06/21 - 500000 visits reached
- milestone: 500000 visits reached on arcade-songs/maimai!
2024/04/25 - v3.16 Update
- feature: (Data) add sheet internal level information for NOSTALGIA
- Data source: Nosdata / Nosdata (Thanks @exponent_iidx & @nosdata !)
2024/04/19 - v3.15 Update
- feature: (Data) add "comment" field for songs
2024/04/11 - v3.14.1 Update
- misc: (Data) the song list of オンゲキ is now complete! (70 deleted songs added)
2024/04/07 - v3.14 Update
- feature: (Sheet Drawer) add "Blindfold Mode" in Sheet Combo Drawer 😎
- misc: (Sheet Drawer) now the settings in the Sheet Combo Drawer are preserved
2024/04/06 - v3.13 Update
- feature: (Sheet Drawer) allow user to config draw size of Sheet Combo Drawer
- misc: (Gallery) now gallery page will use id instead of title in the url
2024/01/15 - v3.12.1 Update
- i18n: (Site) Russian (ru) locale is now available! (Thanks @SaGeDeveloper & @lookeey1 !)
2023/12/21 - v3.12 Update
- project: add new site for REFLEC BEAT >> REFLEC BEAT | arcade-songs
- And here comes another lost game ...
2023/12/19 - 250000 visits reached
- milestone: 250000 visits reached on arcade-songs/maimai!
2023/11/20 - v3.11 Update
- project: add new site for crossbeats REV. >> crossbeats REV. | arcade-songs
- Such marvelous songs deserve to be preserved and remembered ...
2023/11/06 - v3.10.1 Update
- bugfix: (Grid View / Sheet Dialog) prevent displaying mismatched cover images when loading
2023/10/06 - 200000 visits reached
- milestone: 200000 visits reached on arcade-songs/maimai!
2023/07/29 - 150000 visits reached
- milestone: 150000 visits reached on arcade-songs/maimai!
2023/07/20 - v3.10 Update
- feature: add sheet information (Notes Designer, Note Counts) for CHUNITHM
2023/07/09 - v3.9 Update
- project: add new site for NOSTALGIA >> NOSTALGIA | arcade-songs
2023/07/03 - v3.8 Update
- project: add new site for DanceDanceRevolution >> DanceDanceRevolution | arcade-songs
2023/04/08 - 100000 visits reached
- milestone: 100000 visits reached on arcade-songs/maimai!
2023/04/04 - v3.7 Update
- project: add new site for DANCERUSH STARDOM >> DANCERUSH STARDOM | arcade-songs
2023/03/07 - v3.6 Update
- feature: (My List) add export preview for My List
- feature: (Gallery) add external gallery example in provider menu
- misc: (Site) track more interaction event for development insight >:)
2023/03/02 - v3.5.2 Update
- i18n: (Site) Indonesian (id) locale is now available! (Thanks @echocentrical !)
2023/03/01 - v3.5.1 Update
- i18n: (Site) Spanish (es) locale is now available! (Thanks @gallegonovato !)
2023/02/15 - v3.5 Update
- feature: (Filter) add "Internal Level" filter
- misc!: (Data) now
reflects the lower bound of its internal level (e.g.levelValue
of level 12+ is 12.5 in CHUNITHM but 12.7 in maimai, オンゲキ and WACCA) - misc!: (Data) unknown
is now inferred as the lowest possible value from its level (see above) - misc: (Site) add sitemap
- misc: (Site) add Sentry app monitoring service
2022/11/17 - v3.4 Update
- project: add new site for pop'n music >> pop'n music | arcade-songs
2022/11/02 - v3.3 Update
- feature: (Gallery) now it's possible to load external gallery from url or local file [beta] 👉 DEMO HERE
2022/10/14 - 50000 visits reached
- milestone: 50000 visits reached on arcade-songs/maimai!
2022/09/23 - v3.2 Update
- feature: (Gallery) now each list in gallery will have its respective url
- ui: (Gallery) list title is now shown and the size of section titles is adjusted
2022/09/22 - v3.1 Update
- feature: (Data) add sheet internal level information for オンゲキ
- Data source: OngekiScoreLog - オンゲキ非公式スコアツール / OngekiScoreLog - オンゲキ非公式スコアツール (Thanks @Rinsaku471 & @RKS49019722 & @masa_9713 & @ongeki_score !)
- misc: (My List) preserve song id for unmatched imported sheets
2022/08/02 - v3.0.1 Update
- i18n: (Site) Korean (ko) locale is now available! (Thanks @lomotos10 !)
2022/07/28 - v3.0 Convergence
- "Search songs of your favorite music games, now all in one!"
- project: each *-songs site is now moved under >> arcade-songs.zetaraku.dev
- project: this project is now open-source! ⭐ >> zetaraku/arcade-songs
- feature: (Sheet Drawer) brand new Sheet Combo Drawer is now available!
- misc!: (My List) the import/export feature for My List now uses a new format (.yaml)
2022/07/08 - v2.15 Update
- feature: (Data) add sheet internal level information for CHUNITHM
- Data source: CHUNITHM譜面定数メインフレーム / chunirec 開発者向けサイト (Thanks @RCMF_chunithm & @chunirec !)
- feature: (Grid View) sorting is now available on Grid View too
- misc: (Grid View) cover images will not be displayed when drawing sheet combo
2022/06/29 - v2.14.1 Update
- misc: (Data) adapt .webp format for cover images to speed up the loading time 🚅⚡
2022/06/24 - 30000 visits reached
- milestone: 30000 visits reached on maimai-songs!
2022/06/12 - v2.14 Update
- feature: (Data) add sheet internal level information for maimai
- Data source: maimai譜面定数メインフレーム (Thanks @RCMF_maimai !)
- misc: (Data) now each song will have an unique id
2022/04/24 - v2.13 Update
- feature: (Song List) add Song List page
- feature: (Song Page) add Song pages for each song
- misc: (Track List) rename "Gallery" as "Track List"
- misc: (Filter) buttons on app bar are now moved to side drawer
- misc: (Portal) Portal Dialog is now moved to a dedicated page
2022/04/12 - v2.12 Update
- misc: (Data) use new version of data source
- misc: (Data) display min/max bpm on filter placeholder
2022/03/17 - 20000 visits reached
- milestone: 20000 visits reached on maimai-songs!
2022/03/04 - v2.11.3 Update
- bugfix: (Data) chunithm data is now up to date
2022/02/14 - v2.11.2 Update
- ui: (Grid View / Gallery) adjust text alignment
- misc: (Site) improve loading speed
2022/01/30 - v2.11.1 Update
- i18n: (Site) add zh-Hans (zh-CN) locale
2022/01/29 - v2.11 Update
- feature: (Data) add song list info for China version (舞萌DX)
- feature: (Filter) region filter "China ver. (舞萌DX)" is now available
- Data source: CrazyKidCN/maimaiDX-CN-songs-database (Thanks @CrazyKidCN !)
2022/01/17 - v2.10.1 Update
- misc: (Grid View) prevent sprite sheet image to be selected on mobile devices
2022/01/11 - v2.10 Update
- feature: (Random Set) now you can draw a set of sheets in Random Set mode!
- misc: (My List) use dummy sheets to represent unmatched sheets from importing
- misc: (Grid View) fix potential id duplication bug
2022/01/05 - v2.9.1 Update
- misc: (Filter) filters of title and artist are now case-insensitive
- misc: (Filter) My List switch is now changed to radio
- misc: (Sheet Dialog) cover image of songs can now be easily saved
- misc: (Grid View) sheet grids should now perfectly aligned
2021/09/29 - 10000 visits reached
- milestone: 10000 visits reached on maimai-songs!
2021/09/21 - v2.9 Update
- project: add new site for Project DIVA Arcade >> diva-songs
2021/08/24 - v2.8.1 Update
- bugfix: (Data) handle null category (jubeat)
- misc: (Site) change main theme color for jubeat-songs and gc-songs
2021/08/23 - v2.8 Update
- project: add new site for GROOVE COASTER >> gc-songs
2021/08/20 - v2.7.1 Update
- misc: (Site) change logo and favicons
2021/08/20 - v2.7 Update
- project: add new site for オンゲキ >> ongeki-songs
2021/08/20 - v2.6 Update
- feature: (Song List) re-add "Gallery" as "Song List"
- feature: (My List) now you can import/export sheets in My List
- misc: (Data) maimai: region-only songs are manually added
2021/06/21 - v2.5.5 Update
- ui: (List View / Sheet Dialog) now locked songs will have a locked icon
2021/05/25 - v2.5.4 Update
- bugfix: (Grid View) scaling on hover now works on non-Firefox browsers too
2021/05/16 - v2.5.3 Update
- project: update of sdvx-songs is now started again! :D
- misc: (Data) now songs can have multiple categories (used by sdvx-songs)
- misc: (Site) track more interaction event for development insight >:)
2021/03/18 - v2.5.2 Update
- misc: (Filter) now display how many songs are included in the current selection
- bugfix: (Grid View) fix the excessive white border on the cover images
2021/03/10 - v2.5.1 Update
- bugfix: (Grid View) fix the broken light bulb 💡 in DARK MODE
2021/02/03 - v2.5 Update
- project: add new site for 太鼓の達人 >> taiko-songs
2021/01/31 - v2.4 Update
- feature: (Site / Filter) now you can copy and use a Filter Link
- feature: (Sheet Dialog) now you can click on the title to copy it
- ui: (Grid View) add second pagination
- misc: (Grid View) now the default sorting is ordered by version then release date
2021/01/22 - v2.3 Update
- project: add new site for jubeat >> jubeat-songs
2021/01/20 - v2.2 Update
- project: add new site for SOUND VOLTEX >> sdvx-songs
2021/01/15 - v2.1.1 Update
- ui: (Filter) make multiple selectable chips individually removable
- ui: (Filter) prevent comboboxes from being obstructed by the autocomplete list
2021/01/11 - v2.1 Update
- feature: (Data) add "WORLD'S END" sheets for CHUNITHM
- feature: (Site) add "Portal"
- feature: (Site) remove "Gallery"
- ui: (Grid View) fix img tag display problem (extra space)
2021/01/01 - v2.0.21 United
20202021! - project: mai-songs is now moved to >> maimai-songs
- project: add new site for WACCA >> wacca-songs
- project: add new site for CHUNITHM >> chunithm-songs
2020/12/31 - v1.9.9 Update
- ui: (Sheet Dialog) add release date and version info
- misc: (Site) add Open Graph meta tags for social media preview
- misc: (Data) enable asset compression
2020/11/06 - v1.4 Update
- feature: (???) add DARK MODE, but where is it?
- ui: (Gallery) add Sheet Dialog support for Gallery
- misc: (About Page) add timeline for Update Record
2020/10/31 - v1.3 Update
- feature: (Gallery) add "Gallery"
2020/10/22 - v1.2.2 Update
- ui: (Filter) add icons to texts of different modes
- ui: (Grid View) add shadow, title tooltips and image scaling on mouse hover
2020/10/20 - v1.2.1 Update
- ui: (Sheet Dialog) add tooltips for long truncated song titles
- ui: (Grid View) change sheets-per-page to 48 for a nicer look
- ui: (Grid View) ensure grid width fitting well with long level strings
- bugfix: (Grid View) now current page correctly reset when filters change
- misc: (Site) apply dynamic page title
2020/10/16 - v1.2 Update
- feature: (Grid View) add Grid View
- ui: (Sheet Dialog) add sheet type icons
2020/10/06 - v1.1.1 Update
- bugfix: (Data) 28 missing sheets re-added
- bugfix: (Filter) now clearing BPM results a correct behavior
- ui: (List View) apply difficulty colors
2020/09/18 - v1.1 Update
- feature: (List View) add "Open Sheet Dialog" button
- feature: (Sheet Dialog) add "Search on YouTube" button
- misc: (Site) add site counter
2020/08/16 - v1.0 Release
- feature: (Filter) add "Region" filter
- feature: (Filter) add "BPM" filter
2020/07/30 - v0.1 Beta Test
- Tester 001: Glad to see you like it.
2020/07/27 - v0.0.1 Project Started
- This project was devoted to my friends ...
Copyright Notice
- crossbeats REV. and クロスビーツレヴ are trademarks of Capcom Co., Ltd.
- This site is not associated or officially connected with crossbeats REV. or Capcom Co., Ltd.
- This site contains a secret. Can you find it?
Read the sign and HOLD ON a second before you go into the forest!